from ALLOYCE KIMBUNGA in Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania Tanzania Bureau DAR-ES-SALAAM, (CAJ News) REFUGEES in Tanzania will soon receive half the food ration they require, due to funding shortages afflicting the World Food Programme’s (WFP’s) response.More than 200 000 refugees in the East African country will be affected.
WFP needs US$21 million to provide food assistance.In March, further reductions were made, dropping the ration from meeting 80 percent of the food needs to 65 percent.
“A few contributions have arrived on time, and we are now forced to make the difficult decision to reduce food rations at a time of increased needs,” Sarah Gordon, WFP’s Country Director in Tanzania, said.WFP is concerned that drastic cuts will force refugees into further vulnerabilities.
“We urge the international community, governments, donors, and the private sector to step up and respond to this crisis to ensure vulnerable people can meet their basic food and nutrition needs,” Gordon added.About 70 percent of these refugees in Tanzania are from Burundi, while the remaining 30 percent come from the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).
The host country has recently witnessed a surge in new arrivals fleeing the unrest in the North Kivu region.The rise in numbers and increased food prices have exacerbated the current situation, with needs far outstripping available resources.
Source: CAJ News Agency