North West Health MEC Madoda Sambatha tables a service delivery driven budget vote for 2022/23 financial year
North West MEC for Health, Madoda Sambatha officially tabled the 2022/23 financial year in the North West Legislature today, 17 May 2022 in Mahikeng. The MEC presented a health budget allocation for the 2022/23 financial year which is R 15, 186 billion (Fifteen billion, one hundred and eighty six million) as apportioned by the North West Provincial Treasury.
This amount is inclusive of the COVID 19 earmarked fund amounting to R522 million. The 2022/23 financial year’s budget allocation includes:
• R9.8 billion for compensation of employees; 65% of the total budget
• R 4.6 billion for Goods and Services; 30% of the total budget
• R 118 million for transfers and subsidies; 1% of the total budget
• R 575 million for capital assets, 4% of the total budget.
Earmarked Funding within the budget allocation include:
• R1.8 billion for Medicine and Medical supplies
• Laboratory Services: R330 million
• COVID 19: R522 million
• Compensation of employee: R450 million
• Financing accruals: 350 million
The 2022/23 Budget allocation is funded by:
• Equitable share: R11.8 billion
• Departmental Own Revenue: R80.2 million
• Conditional Grants: R3.3 billion
“Honourable Speaker and the House, I am pleased to announce that we will continue this financial year with the five mega health delivery interventions. Firstly, Leasing of Emergency Medical Services, Planned Patient Transport and Laundry Services Vehicles, secondly, Improvement of medicine availability, thirdly, Strengthening of Mental Health Services, fourthly, Integration of Covid-19 Vaccination, and fifthly, Strengthening of the District Development Model” said Madoda Sambatha
The MEC reiterated the commitment to the mandate of delivering quality health care services to the people of the North West Province remains a primary goal.
“When we reflect at the commitments we made before this august house last year, we can confidently say that we have delivered on our mandate albeit with challenges and certain shortfalls that we are addressing” added Sambatha.
Source: Government of South Africa